Untitled, 2022. Oil on canvas, 40x30 in.
Patrick Zapien is an artist and writer living and working in Los Angeles, California. His paintings occur somewhere between landscape and abstraction. Starting from simple visual sensations such as the contrast of shadow and light or surface and depth, he constructs scenes that suggest different kinds of space and perspective, where things warp and bend, form mass then recede and dissolve. The eye is made to move around and around the work, never quite arriving at a discernible image. Rather than conveying a likeness to nature, his paintings try to mimic the way it feels in momentary flashes, when a sudden sight is followed by a strange but interesting thought, like a dim recognition of an unspoken truth.
For sales, please contact info@found-objects.net.
40x30 in - $750
12x9 in - $125
10x8 in - $100